Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Happy Birthday to My Boy, My Heart & “Mine Evan”

Today is a big day for me Yankees family and I wanted to share it with you. Today my son, my first born son, Evan turns seven-years old. Seven years ago today at 1:41 AM I welcomed this little bundle of joy into the world three weeks earlier than we had planned. His room wasn’t finished, his bags weren’t packed and mom and dad didn’t think we were ready. We were ready, we just didn’t know it yet. The room came along quickly after he was born, the bag wasn’t as important as everyone made it out to be and after a few days we were home to begin our journey.

Our journey has taken us through highs and lows, valley’s and peaks, tears and smiles but we’ve made it. He’s in school now and too damn smart for his own good. Really. He gets a letter sent home once a month at least for having “too much” energy but at the same point his teacher, which I love by the way, sends home second grade reading and homework and he knows it like he’s been doing it all his life. He’s sweet, he’s kind, he’s gentle, he’s a smart butt but he’s mine and I love him.

The whole “mine Evan” thing started when he was learning how to talk, he was “mine Evan” and I was “mine dada” to him and it kind of stuck. Anyway I wanted to share this little bit of myself and my family with you this morning and I also wanted to wish my big boy a very Happy Birthday. I hope you get everything you want out of this world and then some Evan, and I’ll be right here beside you for every bump in the road and every bit of it along the way.

Happy birthday!


Sorry for the Capatcha... Blame the Russians :)