While we wait on the game tonight between the New York
Yankees and the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim let’s take a look through the
Greedy Pinstripes archives and have ourselves an article revisit, shall we? Will
this article be a little dated? Sure, it didn’t happen until two years after he
was drafted by the team in 2010, the first year of existence for TGP. Did my writing suck back then? Also, an affirmative
answer. Should it be fun to read this and look back at how far he has come
regardless? Absolutely! So, enjoy!
If some of you guys missed it a few weeks back we interviewed Tyler Austin's mother, Kim Austin, and apparently hit it off well because we used her as a contact to get an interview with her son Tyler. As you all know, or should know, Tyler is the latest Yankees super prospect that is just simply tearing up the minor leagues with the Charleston Riverdogs. We asked him everything from questions about his childhood, a battle with cancer, his minor league baseball life, and when he plans on hitting some of those bombs in Yankees Stadium. Enjoy the read!
The Greedy Pinstripes: Was your dream as a child always to be a baseball player? If not, then what did you want to be when you grew up?
Tyler Austin : Yes sir I've always wanted to be a pro ball player.
TGP: What team did you root for growing up as a kid?
TA: New York Yankees
TGP: Favorite player(s) growing up?
TA: Derek Jeter and Andrew Jones
TGP: Your biggest inspiration when it came to baseball?
TA: I was inspired from people telling me I couldn't do it my whole life. And I don't take no for answer, so when people would say that it drove me even more to make my dreams come true.
TGP: Did you have a preference to what team you wanted to sign with?
TA: No sir I didn't really care where I went. But it made it even sweeter cause it was with the Yankees who have always been my favorite team.
TGP: What a lot of people did not know, including myself , was that you were a center fielder as a young player. Did you always want to be an outfielder for the Yankees?
TA: I didn't really care where they put me. No matter where it is I'm gonna go out each and every day and give it everything I have.
TGP: Whose idea/call was it to make you a corner infielder rather then an outfielder?
TA: I'm not sure whose idea it was.
TGP: How hard is it being away from your significant other while on the road and such?
TA: It's really hard being away from my family and girlfriend. But I talk to them every night and just thankful I have them in my life and supporting me through my good times and bad.
TGP: Favorite moment as a Yankees prospect?
TA: Winning the New York Penn League championship last season
TGP: Who was the best prospect in the Yankees system that you ever played with?
TA: Mason Williams
TGP: Do you keep in touch with any other current or former Yankees prospects or coaches?
TA: Yes sir I do
TGP: Hardest part of being a prospect?
TA: Nothing is really hard about it. I still have to go out there and play each and every game the right way no matter if I am a prospect or I'm not.
TGP: A lot of people dont know you battled cancer, so first off congrats on beating that, how was that whole experience?
TA: Thank you!! It was tough going through that I was only 18 years old and didn't really know how to handle something like that at such a young age. But I just kept faith in the lord and knew everything would be okay if I kept the faith in him.
TGP: Most famous person in your cell phone?
TA: Justin Maxwell
TGP: Most embarrassing song/artist in your ipod?
TA: Baby by Justin Bieber, haha
I want to thank Mr. Austin for taking the time out for a lowly blogger and huge fan. I was like a kid in a candy store typing up the questions to send him and typing this interview out. I was like an anxious kid who could not wait to go to the toy store this weekend while waiting for him to fill it out. It was well worth the wait! Thank you again Mr. Austin and thank you to Tyler's Mom, Mrs. Kim Austin, for being such a kind and giving person (well and for having Tyler lol).
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