Well, he has to actually make contact for us to all hear it,
but I digress. When John Sterling revealed his home run call for Giancarlo
Stanton in his first at-bat as a Yankee the call was met with a bag of mixed
reviews. When I say a bag of mixed reviews, I really mean that everyone hated
it. “Giancarlo, non si puo de stoparlo! It is a Stantonian home run” was the
call, and while it wasn’t even grammatically correct, it left much to be
desired by the Yankees fans, if I may speak for us all.
Have no fear Yankees fans for Sterling has reportedly come
up with a second home run call for Giancarlo, according to an interview with
the New York Post. Sterling will now sing, saying, “Non dimenticar… that ball
sure traveled far.”
“Non Dimenticar” was written for the 1951 movie, “Anna,”
which was later recorded and sang by Nat King Cole in 1958. “Non Dimenticar”
means “Do not forget” in Italian. I say again…
While these home run calls are not great or even “okay” by
any stretch of the imagination, we my dear will always be. Ups, downs, highs,
lows, and even when things get a little sideways… we will always be okay. I
love you, and I hope everyone has a great day.
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Sorry for the Capatcha... Blame the Russians :)