Monday, June 24, 2019

A little bit annoying 

I know it’s Been a while.  Life has its way of getting in the way of things.  Also still hoping to get a mail bag going here, at the Greedy Pinstripes. Need all your help with questions so please send them in.  

Well let’s jump right in to what has me annoyed, shall we.  Now I know it’s only been a few days since the return of the Judge.  However how long do we have to wait, before Mr. Boone and the Analitc department lets us see the Super Lineup?  I keep anxiously waiting to see the Bombers lineup each day, only to be disappointed each day.  Now I get the fact guys need to days off, others need to stay fresh, but come on let us see it already!! Even if just for a game.    Do any of you fans out there feel the same? Are you happy with not seeing it?  Have any other thoughts on the lineup? Drop me a email and let me here it.   For me I’m begging to see it. I mean who wouldn’t want to see a lineup that could look like this, or any other way these 9 guys are placed.  

1. Lemahieu

2. Judge 

3. Sanchez 

4. Santon 

5. Didi 

6. Encarnación

7. Voit 

8. Hicks 

9. Torres

Hopefully it’s soon.   

I can be reached at JamesCPalma@Yahoo.Com


  1. The commenter roll out line is dead.
    My last post 7-10 days ago, subject to approval, went nowhere. Why ?
    You lost your base months ago. Why ?
    The high end essays with no commenters is a grave site. Sad.

  2. Although I do want to see us at full speed ahead, I get resting guys, it's a marathon, not a sprint.

    Resting torres and sanchez after they hit Homer's in 3 consecutive games. Now that's funny. I see benefit in riding hot streaks, but whatever, I get it.

    Not for anything, didn't we put the A lineup vs Verlander? Still managed, but ja happ was the issue.

    So I think we should focus on what's not working, the offense is just fine and will be firing on all cylinders when needed

  3. After years of posting / interacting here...this is how it fucking ends ?

    Who is James Palma, and this Unknown poster ?
    Seems like you left it in the hands of jerks.

    You should be ashamed of yourself for how you treated those who spent countless hours bracing up your site.
    Utter disappointment in you.

    1. I never received a notification that you had a post subject for approval. I'm not sure what happened there.

      And I'm definitely not ashamed of myself. Not at all. We had a good run, and we may have another good run, but I feel the same way you do, patrick. I put a lot of time and effort into this with nothing really in return. Now, before someone takes offense to that let me explain. As frustrating as it is for you to comment and get little interaction, how do you think it feels to do research for days and make a post only to get 50-100 views, and no comments? Especially after plugging the post on Twitter, all over various Facebook groups, etc. ?

      It's discouraging. No one reads anymore. They all want podcasts, they all want video blogging, etc., and I just dont have the time nor the inclination to do that.

      I made my return to the blog today with a post, and if it gets widely ignored I will probably go back into hiding. If it doesn't, maybe I'll come back.

    2. If anyone should be ashamed for their actions, wouldn't it be you? You left months ago without saying a word. No one held it against you, but if I do the same then I should be ashamed? I put blood, sweat, and tears through this website and got (and wanted) nothing in return except that people enjoy my work. People, including yourself obviously, clearly stopped enjoying my work... so why bother? And yet still I have yet to insult you, unlike what you have done here. Sometimes you have to look in the mirror to find the real disappointment.


Sorry for the Capatcha... Blame the Russians :)