Thursday, May 17, 2018

Yankees Off Day Link Dump

The New York Yankees are off today so let’s get caught up on a little reading. Shall we?

The Greedy Pinstripes are a part of the BYB Hub, which is designed to be a one-stop shop for all things sports writing. This isn’t just for fans and writers of the New York Yankees as all walks of fandom are included so check out the BYB Hub.

Suzie Pinstripe of Bleeding Yankee Blue posted a wonderful article I recommend to all named “Making the Yankees Loveable Again.”

Section 36, a Boston Red Sox blog, had a visitor inside Fenway Park recently in Baylee Simpson. Baylee is a dancer and the current Miss Bluebird. She is also a Yankees fan, so check out her trip to Fenway and to the historic Section 36.

John Salvatore explains on his blog, Yankees Brigade, how Luis Severino has been even better in 2018 than he was in 2017. As hard as that is to believe that it could be possible.

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Sorry for the Capatcha... Blame the Russians :)