Friday, December 28, 2012

Former Yankees Update : Andruw Jones

Apparently Andruw Jones could not hit a baseball in 2012 but he proved that he could hit his wife as he did just that recently. Andruw Jones, in a drunken fit, beat his wife Christmas day while dragging her down stairs and putting his hand to her throat telling her that he wanted to kill her. He was obviously arrested for this incident but still is expected to play in Japan this season. Here is his mugshot for those weirdos that are into those sorts of things.

Yankees Hire Don Wakamatsui

You may have heard that the Yankees added Don Wakamatsu to their pro scouting staff.

Wakamatsu has coached and managed at pretty much every level of the minor leagues, and has some experience in the majors as well... his latest stint as a bench coach in Toronto. I was looking for something in particular to stand out in his bio, and I came across this bit from Fred Claire, former baseball executive and writer for
It is the relationships that Wakamatsu has built during his time in baseball that defines him best. He was somewhat of an unknown to the public when he was hired as the Mariners' manager last November, but he is well-known and highly respected within the game.
Not sure how much this will translate into his job in the scouting department, but it's nice to know that the team has hired somebody that is well thought of in baseball circles.