Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Yankees Have Around $12 Million Committed In International Signing
The New York Yankees have said they plan to rebuild their farm system by blowing everyone out of the water this year in the International free agent market. This is also a ploy to try and get ahead of the game for if and when an International Draft is instituted in the game. The Yankees have somewhere around $2 million in cap room before the penalties kick in but New York is said to have somewhere around $12 million in verbal commitments, something not uncommon, already with a few months left to go before the signing period begins.
The list has a bunch of names you probably have never heard of yet but you certainly will because they are some of the top prospects in what is widely considered to be a strong class this season. Names like Dermis Garcia and Nelson Gomez(both Dominican third basemen), Juan De Leon (Dominican center fielder), Jonathan Amundaray (Venezuelan outfielder), Chris Torres (Dominican shortstop), and Diego Castillo (Venezuelan shortstop).
The original article we posted stated the Yankees may be willing to go around the $15 million range and incur major penalties for the 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 signing periods but now it seems more like New York could go closer to $20 million. The farm system would be instantly formidable and that really excites me, penalties or not.
Say It Ain't So Derek, This Can't Be Goodbye
Our colleague and a member of the Greedy Pinstripes family Neil Dwyer posted an article, Oh Captain My Captain, and that article really touched me and really inspired me. Especially the line when Neil said "Derek Jeter, the cornerstone of my Yankee childhood, is now retiring. This truly is the last year of my, and many other Yankee fans, childhood. It's symbolic that I'm now moving on into adulthood as my childhood leaves me" and wow could that not be more true?
I was born in 1985 so I was ten years old, with a November birthday, when Derek came up and led us to a World Series and Derek is all I have ever known at the shortstop position for the Yankees. I have really regretted and hated watching the likes of Jorge Posada, Mariano Rivera, and Andy Pettitte twice walk away but this one is really making me emotional. Derek Jeter, to me, is the Yankees. When your 10 years old you tend to pick one guy you like, not a team, and that guy was Derek Jeter for me. I emulated my swing by his, I played shortstop in Little League and all through High School and College, I used to count how old Derek would be when I "got to the majors" to know if I would get traded away or if I would displace Jeter as the every day shortstop in New York. I never wore #2 but that was only because the first person to pick a number always chose #2 first.
I don't know baseball without Jeter and I am not sure I really want to know baseball without #2. I will still watch it, I will still report on it, and I will still own this site post Jeter but it just won't be the same. While everyone else is remembering the Mr. November home run, the flip against the Athletics in the playoffs, the DJ3K day, the 1996 Rookie of the Year Award, the five World Series, and all the other stuff I could go on about all day I am over here feeling emotional. I am feeling selfish. I don't watch Derek to go. I want Derek to play well into his 40's like Ty Cobb and Pete Rose did. I want Jeter to chase down Rose for the All Time hit's record. I want Jeter to have two or three more World Series. I want Derek Jeter.
Jeter mentions starting his own family, he doesn't need his own family because he has us. I know I am feeling selfish right now, and I feel like I will understand soon and this will pass, but if you ask me right now I don't care. Say it ain't so Derek.... say it ain't so.
Oh Captain, My Captain!
I'm probably the tenth guy on this blog to write a Jeter article, but here goes nothin'...
As a player, Jeter's been one of the most consistently brilliant shortstops in baseball. Even in recent years, when he wasn't entirely able to go into the hole as fast as years earlier, once in a while he'd show those flashes of gold-glove fielding that made the hair on your arms stand up. It brought you back to the 90s, when Jeter would throw from the outfield grass, or field it like Cal Ripken and make the throw as he ranged toward second base. On more than one occasion, he's sacrificed his body (and face) to make the play: 2001 against the A's, 2004 off Trot Nixon's bat in that great 13-inning game against the Sox.
I've had a few run-ins with the Captain. When I was 10, he didn't sign my ball; when I was 14, he walked past us in spring training. But aside from that, he was a player I truly enjoyed watching and was connected to. I've never known anyone but #2 at shortstop in my now 17th season as a Yankee fan. This was a player who put his team's goals above his own. If he was thinking about his 3,000th hit, he sure didn't show it. On the day he hit that home run, I know he would've felt like something was missing if the Yankees lost that afternoon. On the field, he was an unselfish, quiet leader, but inside burned, as cliche as it sounds, the heart of a champion.
You could tell last year really bothered him; as someone who's fought injuries in his life, I can sympathize with the fact that it's frustrating when you can no longer quite do the things you used to, or with the same energy. We all thought when he went down in Game 1 against the Tigers that he'd get up right away; this is The Captain, after all. When he rolled around and winced with pain, knowing that Jeter always played through, it had to be something serious. There will be a lot of "what if's" in the end; specifically that hit total. Could he have played deep into his 40s as Rose and Cobb did? Could be have eclipsed 3,500...3,750...4,000 hits?
As the homegrown talent's retired and moved on, I've reached different stages of my life. I was 13 when Bernie was forced out...err, I mean retired. I graduated high school with Andy's first retirement, and Jorge's definite retirement. I've lived through Mo's farewell tour, and now, with my college graduation in 10 months, Derek Jeter, the cornerstone of my Yankee childhood, is now retiring. This truly is the last year of my, and many other Yankee fans, childhood. It's symbolic that I'm now moving on into adulthood as my childhood leaves me.
Yankee fans, fear not. We have YouTube, Google Images and Yankees Classics to go back in time and relive the past for a moment. We also have something no one can take away: memories. I can close my eyes right now in meditation and go back to my old seats, 12 rows behind first base, at the old Yankee Stadium. I'm sitting next to my dad, Bob Sheppard's announcing the batter, that music from the old Six Flags commercials comes on whenever the Yankees score, and somewhere in the distance, I hear fans banging on Freddie's frying pan.
Oh Captain, My Captain!
Neil Dwyer @neildwyer1993
As a player, Jeter's been one of the most consistently brilliant shortstops in baseball. Even in recent years, when he wasn't entirely able to go into the hole as fast as years earlier, once in a while he'd show those flashes of gold-glove fielding that made the hair on your arms stand up. It brought you back to the 90s, when Jeter would throw from the outfield grass, or field it like Cal Ripken and make the throw as he ranged toward second base. On more than one occasion, he's sacrificed his body (and face) to make the play: 2001 against the A's, 2004 off Trot Nixon's bat in that great 13-inning game against the Sox.
I've had a few run-ins with the Captain. When I was 10, he didn't sign my ball; when I was 14, he walked past us in spring training. But aside from that, he was a player I truly enjoyed watching and was connected to. I've never known anyone but #2 at shortstop in my now 17th season as a Yankee fan. This was a player who put his team's goals above his own. If he was thinking about his 3,000th hit, he sure didn't show it. On the day he hit that home run, I know he would've felt like something was missing if the Yankees lost that afternoon. On the field, he was an unselfish, quiet leader, but inside burned, as cliche as it sounds, the heart of a champion.
You could tell last year really bothered him; as someone who's fought injuries in his life, I can sympathize with the fact that it's frustrating when you can no longer quite do the things you used to, or with the same energy. We all thought when he went down in Game 1 against the Tigers that he'd get up right away; this is The Captain, after all. When he rolled around and winced with pain, knowing that Jeter always played through, it had to be something serious. There will be a lot of "what if's" in the end; specifically that hit total. Could he have played deep into his 40s as Rose and Cobb did? Could be have eclipsed 3,500...3,750...4,000 hits?
As the homegrown talent's retired and moved on, I've reached different stages of my life. I was 13 when Bernie was forced out...err, I mean retired. I graduated high school with Andy's first retirement, and Jorge's definite retirement. I've lived through Mo's farewell tour, and now, with my college graduation in 10 months, Derek Jeter, the cornerstone of my Yankee childhood, is now retiring. This truly is the last year of my, and many other Yankee fans, childhood. It's symbolic that I'm now moving on into adulthood as my childhood leaves me.
Yankee fans, fear not. We have YouTube, Google Images and Yankees Classics to go back in time and relive the past for a moment. We also have something no one can take away: memories. I can close my eyes right now in meditation and go back to my old seats, 12 rows behind first base, at the old Yankee Stadium. I'm sitting next to my dad, Bob Sheppard's announcing the batter, that music from the old Six Flags commercials comes on whenever the Yankees score, and somewhere in the distance, I hear fans banging on Freddie's frying pan.
Oh Captain, My Captain!
Neil Dwyer @neildwyer1993
Spring Training Headlines: NYY
I never put much stock into spring training performances (neither should you). But Yankee fans are positioned for an interesting spring this year with many key notes to watch for as the Bombers make their way through the Grapefruit League schedule.
1. Oh Captain, my Captain
Derek Jeter played in a whopping 17 games in 2013. That's not Derek Jeter, the Captain has been working out at the teams training complex in Tampa for several weeks now and some early birds who have already arrived at camp say Jeter looks great. A few days ago the Daily News caught up with starting pitcher David Phelps who has been working out at the teams minor league complex in Tampa, FL. Phelps told the Daily News, “Derek looks amazing. That’s awesome.” These words are probably uplifting to many Yankee fans but the reality of the situation is that Jeter turns 40 this summer and his hour glass is running out. It's going to be interesting to see how Jeter moves in spring training and I have a feeling we will have a better idea of what's to come from the Captain come April 1st.
2. Money Talks, but does it perform?
This off-season the Steinbrenner family generously opened their wallets to acquire some big name free agents. I can at least speak for myself when I say that I am excited/anxious to see how the new acquisitions (Ellsbury, McCann, Beltran,Tanaka, Johnson, Roberts) adapt to their new surroundings. These names are sure to play a big role this spring and it's gonna be exciting, to say the least, to see these names in action.
3. Tanaka
Japanese sensation Masahiro Tanaka took baseball by the reigns this off season and became the most sought after player out there. The Yankees ended up the lucky suitors but with just a few days until Pitchers and Catchers report to Tampa, FL, many of us have to be curious as to how well/quickly Tanaka will adapt to MLB standards. There will probably be an obvious adjustment period but I think the thing Yankee fans will be most interested in this spring is how Tanaka performs against his first taste of MLB talent.
4. State of the Bullpen
It's no secret that the Yankees did not make any improvements to their bullpen this off-season. Although my gut tells me to just hold on and wait because something's going to happen between now and April. I can't help but wonder how our current bullpen would hold up under a full seasons workload. As of right now we have David Robertson as our closer and I am perfectly content with that but let's look at the rest. Sliding into the eighth inning will probably be Shawn Kelley with a very attractive 12 K/9 rate and lefty specialist Matt Thorton who essentially replaced Boone Logan when he packed his bags for Colorado. Besides that nothing is a lock, the main candidates to get the remaining bullpen jobs are Preston Claiborne, Ceasar Cabral, Dellin Betances, Mark Montgomery and whom ever is the loser of the fifth starter spot whether that be David Phelps/Adam Warren/Vidal Nuno/Michael Pineda. Yankees fans should keep a close eye on these guys this spring as their success will determine ours in 2014.
5. Infield
If the Yankees aren't going into 2014 concerned about their bullpen then they should be going in concerned about their infield. Mark Teixera will surely be dealing with lingering wrist issues, Brian Roberts will surely be dealing with SOMETHING, Derek Jeter is turning 40 and Kelly Johnson has to prove himself. What part of that screams success? Brendan Ryan, Eduardo Nunez and Dean Anna will have their chances to shine this spring but it's a little concerning that this is what the opening day infield is going to consist of. Emilio Bonofacio is now up for grabs, he won't bring much to the table but anything is better than Nunez. I'll certainly be watching the infield closely in March.
Staten Island Yankees 2014 Schedule
The 2014 schedule for the Staten Island Yankees of the New York Penn League is in and being brought to you as a part of Prospects Month here on The Greedy Pinstripes. CLICK HERE to see the full schedule for the SI Yanks and their new manager Mario Garza. The SI Yankees season starts on June 13, 2014 and ends on September 1.
Should The Yankees Go After Emilio Bonifacio
EDIT: Bonifacio has cleared release waivers. Emilio is now free to sign with any team he chooses.
Remember way back when, back in the day where all Yankees fans thought for sure that Omar Infante was the next Yankees second basemen? Nobody believed the reports that Kansas City would go after Infante because they had Emilio Bonifacio already in the fold? Well the Royals brought Bruce Chen back and have designated Bonifacio for assignment, which will make him a free agent or have him traded to another team in the next week. Should the Yankees be interested?
The Yankees are expecting to give the likes of Dean Anna, Eduardo Nunez, and about 20 other guys a shot at the utility job and a bench job in spring training so why not add Bonifacio to the mix? Bonifacio is only 28 years old and hits lefties and righties the same, although he doesn't hit either very well unfortunately. What makes Bonifacio attractive is he is a second basemen by trade but also has tons of experience in left field, center field, third base, short stop, and right field. Also Bonifacio is a switch hitter which is always nice when you have a manager that likes to mix and match.
Bonifacio is owed $3.5 million which would be a ton for a bench option unless the Royals flat out release him and are on the hook for 1/6 of his salary. The Yankees will have to make a trade, likely for a nobody or fringe prospects (Derek Toadvine for instance), unless they wait to see if he falls to them in the waiver wire. The Yankees are over the luxury tax anyway so I say why not, if it doesn't work out then you release him, easy as that.
Hideki Matsui Will Come To Spring As Special Instructor
According to the New York Post the Yankees have asked Hideki Matsui to come to Spring Training for the second straight year and this time the former Yankee accepted. Last year Matsui declined because his wife was due to have their first child but this year he will be in Yankees camp as a special instructor. Matsui was also in camp for the Yomiuri Giants recently and spent time with other minor league camps last season including hanging out with a few of the Yankees minor league affiliates.
AJ Burnett To Sign With Phillies
For those Yankees fans that were hoping for a reunion between them and AJ Burnett, I'm sorry to report that it won't be happening. At least not this season.
Burnett and the Philadelphia Phillies have agreed to a one-year contract worth $16 million. Seeing that number makes me understand why the Yankees were never serious about bringing AJ back into the fold. There's no way I would trust him to repeat his 2013 performance, which included an ERA of 3.30. After all, this is the guy that had an ERA over 5.00 in his last two seasons with the Yankees in 2010 and 2011.
Although I'm not a prospect humper, unlike my some of my colleagues here, I'm really looking forward to the battle for the fifth and final spot in the 2014 rotation. The team could use another a starter under team control, rather than having to spend on a solid starter in free agency.
Burnett and the Philadelphia Phillies have agreed to a one-year contract worth $16 million. Seeing that number makes me understand why the Yankees were never serious about bringing AJ back into the fold. There's no way I would trust him to repeat his 2013 performance, which included an ERA of 3.30. After all, this is the guy that had an ERA over 5.00 in his last two seasons with the Yankees in 2010 and 2011.
Although I'm not a prospect humper, unlike my some of my colleagues here, I'm really looking forward to the battle for the fifth and final spot in the 2014 rotation. The team could use another a starter under team control, rather than having to spend on a solid starter in free agency.
Meet A Prospect: Manny Banuelos
Manuel "Manny" Banuelos was born on March 13, 1991. Manny was signed along with three other players from the Mexican League by the Yankees including Alfredo Aceves. Banuelos signed for $450,000 and had an immediate impact in the Yankees system. Banuelos wasted no time as he participated In the All Star Futures Game in 2009 as a part of the MLB All Star Game. Banuelos also went down to the Arizona Fall League in 2010 and earned a spot on the team’s All Star team.
Before the 2010 season Banuelos was rated as the Yankees sixth best prospect according to Baseball America. By 2011 he has jumped to fourth best prospect in all of the land and was one of the Top 50 overall prospects according to Banuelos boasts a mid-90’s fastball and an above average changeup and curveball that was on display in the 2011 Spring Training in which he struck out the world in the Grapefruit League. Mariano Rivera even went as far as to say that Manny was the best pitching prospect that he had ever seen. Whether that is a testament to the lack of pitching prospects coming through the Yankees system or Banuelos’ true talent remains to be seen but I have a feeling it is the latter and not the former. Banuelos was awarded with the James P. Dawson Award that spring which is given to the best rookie in camp every year. Banuelos saw himself get all the way to AAA Scranton Wilkes Barre on August 2, 2011 where he has been ever since.
The injury bug started to plague Banuelos in 2010 when he missed some time with an appendectomy and finished with a Tommy John Surgery in 2012 that had him miss most of that season and all of the 2013 season. Now Manny is back fully healthy and ready to compete once again in the spring for either a starting rotation spot or a bullpen spot. I really and truly believe that Banuelos will be one of the final cuts, if at all, in the Yankees spring this season if he is truly healthy.
Yankee Stadium Legacy: #48 Graig Nettles
Graig Nettles outstanding play in the field and his ability at the plate was a major reason the New York Yankees ended a 14 season World Series title drought in 1977. The Yankees won back to back World Series in 1977 and 1978 with the help of Reggie Jackson as well. When Nettles wasn't hitting home runs at the plate he was making stellar plays at third base. In 1977 Nettles had 37 HR's and 107 RBI's, which were both career highs.
48 days until Yankees Opening Day
Prospects Month: Top 28 Yankees Prospects List #17
Continuing our look at The Greedy Pinstripes Top 28 prospects list as a part of Prospects Month we name our #17 prospect, Ty Hensley!
Here is the complete up to date list. Check back every day as the list fills out and we continue our look at the prospects in the New York Yankees system during Prospects Month here on TGP.
17. Ty Hensley
18. Luis Severino
19. Abiatal Avelino
20. Rob Refsnyder
21. Nik Turley
22. Cito Culver
23. Ramon Flores
24. Mark Montgomery
25. Rookie Davis
26. Jake Cave
27. Ben Gamel
28. Angelo Gumbs
Exclusive Interview w/ BYB Owner Robert Casey
As a part of Prospects Month today on The Greedy Pinstripes we wanted to go in a little different direction and interview a fellow blogger and Yankees fan, Mr. Robert Casey from Bleeding Yankee Blue. You can follow BYB and Casey on Twitter by following @BleednYankeeBlu and stay up to date with all the Yankees news and notes. While we had Casey we touched on everything from Ty Hensley, his time with the Sabathia's, how BYB got started, and maybe even a little fun in the sun. Enjoy!
The Greedy Pinstripes: Hello Robert, how are you? How is everything in the BYB neck of the woods?
Casey: Everything is great if you consider no sleep, constant home projects and winter baseball with the kids a perfect way of life! I do actually… Life is good, no rest for the weary.
TGP: For those who don't know about the rant that started it all please tell us what inspired you to start BYB?
Casey: OK. It was 2010 and it was, at this point an insignificant game, but significant in my life. My first post appeared September 14th, but it was a recap on the September 13th game. A 0-0 game until we brought in Sergio Mitre. Let’s just say I was sick of the pen giving up the lead, and at the time, there were plenty of quotes from Girardi and others suggesting that those September games were “must win” games. Logically, you’d assume we’d bring in our best guys to shut down the competition, right? Mitre came in and the game was lost. It was the next several hours that I slapped together a real ugly version of BYB and wrote a story about my frustrations. Nothing earth shattering, just a rant. After a few of my friends read it, I wrote another piece and another after that. I remember looking at the stats a week later and about 100 people had clicked to read about 4 of 5 of my articles. I knew only a handful of people even knew about it, so I knew then something was happening. BYB wasn’t exactly a venture I was interested in taking, but a wise man in my life once told me that if you see a positive opportunity, you should take a chance. My dad’s pretty good like that.
Casey: OK. It was 2010 and it was, at this point an insignificant game, but significant in my life. My first post appeared September 14th, but it was a recap on the September 13th game. A 0-0 game until we brought in Sergio Mitre. Let’s just say I was sick of the pen giving up the lead, and at the time, there were plenty of quotes from Girardi and others suggesting that those September games were “must win” games. Logically, you’d assume we’d bring in our best guys to shut down the competition, right? Mitre came in and the game was lost. It was the next several hours that I slapped together a real ugly version of BYB and wrote a story about my frustrations. Nothing earth shattering, just a rant. After a few of my friends read it, I wrote another piece and another after that. I remember looking at the stats a week later and about 100 people had clicked to read about 4 of 5 of my articles. I knew only a handful of people even knew about it, so I knew then something was happening. BYB wasn’t exactly a venture I was interested in taking, but a wise man in my life once told me that if you see a positive opportunity, you should take a chance. My dad’s pretty good like that.
TGP: Who do you think has been your favorite interview while on BYB?
Casey: I would love to give you 1 interview that was my favorite, but you have to understand something, it’s not an interview… it’s a courting. I am personally invested in meeting these people, learning about them and wanting others the hear things they’ve never heard before, you know what I mean?
For example, did you know that Paul O’Neill loved watching Willie Mays play and impersonated him at the plate?
I had no idea that Jorge Posada told Laura early on that she was the girl he would marry? Did you? I learned it because Laura told us a great story about how Jorge was her umpire in a softball game when they met the first time, but a short time later, he went back to Puerto Rico to find Laura. Clearly this is about a man who knows what he wants and they’re a great couple!
Tyler Austin introduced me to the Authentic Swing. Bet you never heard of it. It’s a line in film, the Legend of Badger Vance. He explained to me that once you find that authentic swing, there isn’t anything you can’t do. That has to do with practice; swinging off a tee and muscle memory… it’s fascinating.
Who were the 2 guys Roy White was closest within the Yankees clubhouse in the 1970s. The answer is Thurman Munson and Horace Clarke. How about Amber and CC Sabathia? Amber told us after her first date with CC, she knew he was her future husband. That stuff you’ll never hear anywhere else.
And finally…our buddy Ty Hensley. Wow, what a wonderful family. Ty had an abdominal strain and that strain wasn’t giving him the proper rotation in his hips when he pitched. Over time, he messed up his hip and that led to surgery. He’d been throwing incorrectly for a while and overcompensating and not even realizing it. Now he’s recovered and he’s going to take the Bronx by storm.
As you can see… I’m all in. I’m invested in these people. That’s important to me. BYB cares about what they say, personally and professionally and I think the readers pick up on that.
TGP: Do you consider yourself to be a prospects kind of guy or are you under the umbrella of people that would rather trade away the prospects, no matter who, for the "sure thing" veteran presence.
Casey: I believe that prospects are the future. Sounds obvious, but when I talk to guys like Dante Bichette Jr. or Ty Hensley, I know they want it so bad and I understand the feeling. They work so hard and to see them push themselves and are so excited to be following their dream, well, it’s encouraging. Here’s the thing… the hardest part about breaking in with the Yankees is that they go for top free agents and big name trades, so, it ain’t easy. The pressure is huge for these kids. The hardest thing they can do is work to get there, and then stay there. I just hope the crop of kids we have right now can be those guys… the future Core Four. It can happen again, you know.
Casey: I believe that prospects are the future. Sounds obvious, but when I talk to guys like Dante Bichette Jr. or Ty Hensley, I know they want it so bad and I understand the feeling. They work so hard and to see them push themselves and are so excited to be following their dream, well, it’s encouraging. Here’s the thing… the hardest part about breaking in with the Yankees is that they go for top free agents and big name trades, so, it ain’t easy. The pressure is huge for these kids. The hardest thing they can do is work to get there, and then stay there. I just hope the crop of kids we have right now can be those guys… the future Core Four. It can happen again, you know.
TGP: Who is your current favorite Yankee prospect?
Casey: Again, favorites are tricky. I personally like all these studs, so I’m not about to hurt anyone’s feelings here. This is what I can tell you. I’ve got to know Ty Hensley and his family real well. He knows my family roots for him. Ty has incredible talent, he’s had a setback and now he’s better than he was before. Marci Hensley, his mother and I have very similar values in raising our kids, so that makes conversations easier. He’s a good kid and that’s a by-product of Marci and Mike.
I got to know Dante Bichette Jr and Tyler Austin just a bit and both guys have a great positive head on their shoulders. I love their work ethic and how they approach baseball and life. They’re also great role models.
How’s that… I literally skirted around the “favorite” question. Ha ha.
TGP: I'm curious to know, as hard as this can be, what is you're favorite Yankees moment of all time?
Casey: For me personally it’s fairly recent and I’m in my 40s. The adrenaline that ran through the Bronx in Game 3 of the 2003 ALCS against the Red Sox will always stick in my mind. I remember Jorge Posada’s bloop double like it was yesterday and I remember Hideki Matsui, who never showed any emotion jump on home plate and roar. It was the most incredible thing I had seen and think about it… the Yankees had already won in 96, 98, 99, and 2000. It was just gravy for me. I’m a sucker for passion on the field, what can I say. ( v20070597/alcs-gm7-posada- ties-it-with-a-clutch-tworun- double )
Casey: For me personally it’s fairly recent and I’m in my 40s. The adrenaline that ran through the Bronx in Game 3 of the 2003 ALCS against the Red Sox will always stick in my mind. I remember Jorge Posada’s bloop double like it was yesterday and I remember Hideki Matsui, who never showed any emotion jump on home plate and roar. It was the most incredible thing I had seen and think about it… the Yankees had already won in 96, 98, 99, and 2000. It was just gravy for me. I’m a sucker for passion on the field, what can I say. (
TGP: Do you attend many minor league games with your children and family?
Casey: I love to attend the minor league games be it the New Jersey Jackals or Newark Bears, but haven’t been able to do it much. My oldest son plays baseball all year round and it’s consumed us. I’m not complaining, it’s awesome to see your children learn this great game. But yeah, we go when we can. The family feel in the small ballparks is right up my alley.
Casey: I love to attend the minor league games be it the New Jersey Jackals or Newark Bears, but haven’t been able to do it much. My oldest son plays baseball all year round and it’s consumed us. I’m not complaining, it’s awesome to see your children learn this great game. But yeah, we go when we can. The family feel in the small ballparks is right up my alley.
TGP: If you were a Yankees prospect what position would you want to play? You strike me as the catcher type just because of your knowledge of the game, am I right?
Casey: Truth be told, I would have been a terrible catcher, but I appreciate that compliment very much. I played a great center field, and would have competed for that, with a goal to follow Joe DiMaggio, Mickey Mantle and Bernie Williams in the Bronx for sure. But also played first base. I’m left handed so they kept me in places I could contribute.
Casey: Truth be told, I would have been a terrible catcher, but I appreciate that compliment very much. I played a great center field, and would have competed for that, with a goal to follow Joe DiMaggio, Mickey Mantle and Bernie Williams in the Bronx for sure. But also played first base. I’m left handed so they kept me in places I could contribute.
TGP: Who wins your 5th spot rotation battle in spring if you had to choose now. Adam Warren, Michael Pineda, David Phelps, Vidal Nuno, or another Yankees arm currently in the system?
Casey: Ty Hensley? Too soon, I know. No, seriously, if I had to choose right this second, I go with Vidal Nuno. I like what he has and I tend to lean towards lefties and I just don’t know what to make of Pineda yet. I consider David Phelps and Adam Warren middle relief.
Casey: Ty Hensley? Too soon, I know. No, seriously, if I had to choose right this second, I go with Vidal Nuno. I like what he has and I tend to lean towards lefties and I just don’t know what to make of Pineda yet. I consider David Phelps and Adam Warren middle relief.
TGP: Again, if you're Joe Girardi and holding the many competitions we expect to see this spring, who wins the second base job for you? Corban Joseph? Dean Anna? Eduardo Nunez? Brian Roberts? Someone I am forgetting or overlooking?
Casey: The Yankees signed Brian Roberts to play second and while he’s a veteran, it’s what they want right now and I am fine with that decision. It’s experience. But someone I am pulling for is Dean Anna. Anna’s my sleeper hit. I really want to see him make the club. Anyone that can create their own website based on a nickname, “the Dean of Swing”, shows balls. He wants it, and I’d like to see what the kid has.
Casey: The Yankees signed Brian Roberts to play second and while he’s a veteran, it’s what they want right now and I am fine with that decision. It’s experience. But someone I am pulling for is Dean Anna. Anna’s my sleeper hit. I really want to see him make the club. Anyone that can create their own website based on a nickname, “the Dean of Swing”, shows balls. He wants it, and I’d like to see what the kid has.
TGP: Do you watch the MLB Draft? Do you follow College Baseball at all?
Casey: I watch the MLB Draft, of course and I was crossing my fingers we would have signed Rob Kaminsky last year. It didn’t happen and the Cardinals grabbed him 2 picks later, but I’ve seen the guy pitch and he’s something else. As far as college baseball, I read about it when I can and games will always be on in the background, but I barely watch television.
Casey: I watch the MLB Draft, of course and I was crossing my fingers we would have signed Rob Kaminsky last year. It didn’t happen and the Cardinals grabbed him 2 picks later, but I’ve seen the guy pitch and he’s something else. As far as college baseball, I read about it when I can and games will always be on in the background, but I barely watch television.
TGP: Hypothetical here: If you're Brian Cashman do you blow the International Spending pool out of the water this year and pay the penalties for two seasons or do you play by the book and keep within the cap?
Casey: I think I would stick by the book. I would love to tell you I know what to do with the Yankees money, but many of us really don’t know, including me. I don’t know what they’re thinking, but they clearly are trying to be smart with their spending. I back that decision based on ignorance. I just can’t delve into their financial situation. It wouldn’t be fair.
TGP: What are your thoughts on the "Hal Cap" and the whole $189 million goal that's not a mandate.
Casey: The Yankees are trying to be fiscally responsible after years of overspending. Let them do their thing. I back my team.
TGP: I have said this in private messages with you but I have not said it publicly but you are one of the reasons I decided to jump all into the blogging game. You dared to do things differently and rather than be a machine with the same write ups and opinions as everyone else you put your opinion, heart, and soul into your articles. It really shows and it is really appreciated. I just hope you know that you are a role model to many out there, especially in the Yankees blogosphere. You get what you put into this world and it shows with your site and the success is has had so far.
Casey: Wow. You just blew me away. Thank you. I read all the bloggers and baseball reporters for a long time. Pete Abraham was the man for me when he was on the Yankees beat. I still love the guy even in Boston, he’s great. I’ve been reading Pete Caldera of the Bergen Record forever. He’s the most underrated reporter in the business, hands down. The best part about Caldera is he always has 1 hidden nugget in his piece, whether he realizes it or not, and I was always drawn to that. Those 2 guys alone got me interested…. and not in just the stats, but in the realness of the sport and team. I’ve read the other blogs but I get so bored of the statistics. I love stats, but when you start throwing dWAR and BABIP at me, my eyes gloss over and I know it happens to many readers too. What I did was found the audience that wasn’t being fed with material like mine and I’m feeding them daily now. When I grew up, we paid attention to average, home runs and RBIs. For me, that’s never changed. I’m old fashioned, not Bill James, and I realized about 4 years ago, that that’s ok. I’m a dad. I have kids and a family that I adore. That’s where my heart is and that’s what I bring to this Yankees blog. Sure, I love my Yankees, but as I develop Bleeding Yankee Blue, I realized just how important the other stuff is as well and I wanted to incorporate it all. That starts with my posts, continues through my writers and to me. Thanks for noticing, that means we’re doing something right.
TGP: Not really a question here but I really have to give you kudos for the way you raise your children. Teaching them right and wrong sounds so simple but at times, with peer pressure and all that stuff, it can be so hard. The real battle is won at home and it is easy to see that your children will be well prepared for what is coming their way in the real world. Good work Robert!
Casey: Cool man. Truth be told, my kids are brats and I’m drowning over here. Seriously though… my kids are my life and while my wife and I are not perfect, we try and they seem listen and learn positive values from us. Parenting is the hardest job in the world. Anyone who tells you it’s easy is misinformed.
TGP: We'll finish with this one, where do you see yourself in life and your career in five years?
Casey: I plan on being on a beach in Hawaii. I would have a laptop on my left, a drink with an umbrella in it on my right and the love of my life lying next to me looking amazing. She’d look over at me, lift her sunglasses up slightly so I can see those eyes and she’d say quietly… “I guess BYB paid off.”
I want to personally thank Casey for taking the time to do this interview for us. You can tell in his answers that he put his heart into this interview like he does every one of his posts. I urge everyone to head over to and bookmark Bleeding Yankee Blue because there is truly a great stable of writers over there and they bring it every single day. Enjoy the rest of your day everyone and good luck to everyone over at BYB, hopefully they can give Casey his Hawaiian dream one day.
This Day In New York Yankees History 2/12
On this day in 2009, only three days after Alex Rodriguez shocked the world with his steroid use admission, commissioner Bud Selig chastised the Yankees star, and all players who have used steroids, for bringing shame to the game. The same game that was revived by steroid users like Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa after the game was run into the ground by a salary cap wanting greedy Bud Selig that cancelled the season and the World Series because the Yankees were doing well.
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