Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Quick Hit: Derek Jeter’s One Regret in MLB

"Yo, I should have started this blogging stuff YEARS ago"

The YES Network recently had an interview with former Yankees captain and shortstop Derek Jeter before his number is retired with the team and before a ceremony goes down on Mother’s Day in the Bronx. In the interview, which can be seen on the Jeter spoke about numerous things but one topic in particular caught my eye when I read it, Jeter talked about his one and only regret during his 20-years in Major League Baseball.

Keeping a journal. Derek Jeter’s one and only mistake from his entire 20-year tenure in Major League Baseball and with the Yankees is that he did not keep a journal for the first 19-years of his career. Jeter said in the interview that he did keep a journal during his final season and wished he had done so during his entire career.

How cool would it be to be the child of Derek and Hannah Jeter and to read that journal? How awesome would it have been to read a journal from his entire 20-year tenure with the Yankees? I don’t think you could put a price on that but if you could I would pay it without blinking an eye.

Name your price Jete. Name it. 

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