Friday, May 12, 2017

So it Seems the Weekend is Back!

Good morning everyone and Happy Friday! It is finally the weekend, we made it. The New York Yankees continue their four-game set in the Bronx this weekend with the Houston Astros while also welcoming Derek Jeter back to the Bronx for Derek Jeter Day on Sunday. It’s also Mother’s Day on Sunday so be sure to wish that special someone in your life a Happy Mother’s Day on Sunday. Do something nice if you can because if it weren’t for you mother you wouldn’t be reading this today. Remember all those “I brought you into this world and I can take you out of it” threats? Maybe those were just for me, LOL.

I hope everyone has a great weekend and if we don’t speak between now and then I hope everyone has a great Mother’s Day. Thank you to all the mothers out there, the Aunts or grandmothers picking up and being mothers and a huge thank you to all the single dads out there that are having to be both on this day. You are truly appreciated.

Love you guys, especially you. Hey you. 

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Sorry for the Capatcha... Blame the Russians :)