Wednesday, November 8, 2017

So it Seems… The Long Offseason Ahead

Good morning everyone. I know it’s been a minute since we last spoke but it’s the offseason, it’s a time to recharge the batteries. Life hasn’t slowed down a bit and work has gotten out of control with no end in sight and it may or may not affect the site going forward. I promise to do everything and all that I can to pop in whenever I can but you all must know that this will likely mean that daily posts, at least through the offseason, may not happen. I promise to do the best I can, and I am always looking for new writers to help carry the load and keep you guys with something to read. If you’re interested or know of anyone who is tell them to send me an email at Daniel Burch 1102 at Yahoo dot com.

Oh, and hey you. I love you. I’ve missed writing about you because you’re so damn special to me.

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Sorry for the Capatcha... Blame the Russians :)