Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Some Yankees Fans Really Continue To Dissapoint Me

The fans of the New York Yankees really disappoint me sometimes, especially when you make videos like this. Funny or Die posted a parody of the Derek Jeter "RE2SPECT" tribute only this time it was geared towards Alex Rodriguez and it was named "FL13K You." If funny or die are my only two options I guess I am going with the latter. How disrespectful and petty do you have to be to do something like this to kick the guy while he is down? This wasn't done by a Yankee fan, I don't believe a true Yankee fan would do this.

If you want to watch the video click the link, http://FunnyOrDie.com/m/9306. I know it was probably meant to be funny but it wasn't and it wasn't appreciated. Stay classy, stay respectful, and believe in Karma. Just imagine what you could accomplish if you put your obvious talent and resources to good use. Be the bigger and better person and get over it. He's human. When you go to church your sitting in a room full of sinners, not a room full of saints, and you and I and the guy down the road making pizza is no different than Alex.

You're better than this Yankee family, act like it.

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Sorry for the Capatcha... Blame the Russians :)